Monday 17 September 2018

The Walk Home from School (AGPS 08-21-18)

Hullo lovelies! How's your Monday going? Today's photo-shoot is of Caroline-Rose and Miss Grace-Ellen. Enjoy!
I really like this picture.
And this one.
How's your school year going? Are you excited for Autumn or wish Summer would stick around a little longer? What was your favourite picture?
See you next week!
~Lu, Grace-Ellen, & Caroline-Rose


  1. These photos are gorgeous! <3 I hope you and the dolls are having fun with the new school year!


  2. I particularly like the last, it looks like the sun illuminates the path of their future represented by the road to infinity in front of her ... it is a very evocative picture.
    But they are all beautiful, congratulations :-)
