Monday, 24 September 2018

Ania On the Last Day of Summer 2018 (AGPS-09-21-18)

Hullo friends! I would like to start by saying thank you to everyone who left such wonderful comments on my last post! You're all wonderful, welcome new readers! 
So, today's post is of Miss Ania, whom I hadn't taken pictures of since her birthday in June. I know, I'm a terrible doll-mom. But I got an AG package the other day, and thought it was about time she stepped off the shelf, so she got to try out the new outfit, have a look! <3
 I didn't realise that the camera was focusing on everything BUT Ania, but hey that's what it did. XD #photographerwoes
Alrighty, thanks for stopping by today! The day this goes up I will have just gotten my braces on, oh joy. =) I'm not looking forward to that. Besides soup and ice cream, do you have any pointers for surviving the first bit of braces?
Much love, have a beautiful week!
~Lu & Kanani-Ania


  1. I do not comment often, simply because I read the publications in the RSS feed, so without access to comments, and it's a shame. So, I take the time to come read on your blog, and congratulate you for the regularity of your publications, your texts and your pretty photos.
    Long life to your beautiful blog.
    Happy school year :-)

  2. These turned out so pretty. She's such a pretty doll to photograph outside.
