Monday 11 January 2016

Flashback to November, (Lost photoshoot)

Hullo everyone, while trying to find pictures, upload pictures and writing blog posts for you all to enjoy. I often stumble across pictures that I forget that I had taken, this post is one of those posts. A week before Thanksgiving we had gone up to my Grandmother's house, and it was really cold that day. I took the chance to carry Marie and Ruthie along to take a few pictures, unfortunately, it was also rainy so there aren't very many. Please enjoy anyway!

Do you like Ruthie's outfit? It was a bit of an experiment. 

The grass was so cold and wet!
Still a few blooms out at that point.

The sky was cold, wet, gray and full of rain.

I hope you enjoyed looking at these pictures, I'm doing my best on getting the Christmas posts up...but I'm not going to make any promises; I seem to be terrible at keeping them as far as this blog is concerned. ;)
Hopefully there will be more posts up soon though!
Thanks for stopping by!
Stay warm!

1 comment:

  1. Oh My Gosh! I am a redhead too! I have eight dolls and my name is Samantha. :) LOVE your blog!
