Hullo! Today it begins, the madness of school and homework (Oh yes, much, much, much, maths homework. Algebra may or may not be my doom yet!)
Anywho, I took the time yesterday to set up this photo-shoot, on Ania's first day back to school for you all to enjoy although...we had a bit of an interruption, so the pictures didn't get taken until tonight. So the lighting may not be its best. Better later than never!
I hope school is going well for everyone! Enjoy the pictures, and without further chattering, let's begin!
Hullo everyone! I was chosen to do today's post for all of you. Which means that I get to start school first of us seven girls.
Hey, it has its ups and downs. Being able to share my day with you, now that is an up.
My lesson today was on geography, even though Lu started algebra today instead.
I was well equipped for anything the day might bring. With my trusty Scottie-dog-bag and my Mickey Mouse Christmas lunch box. What a mouthful! I was prepared.
I began by unloading what I needed from the bag after hanging it on the back of my chair.
Then it was time to get to work.
Do you like my pencil? Lu surprised me with it this morning(check back later this week for where I found it! *Ania clears throat* Sorry Kanani, back to you.)
Thank you. As I was saying--it is so cute and writes with ease.
Today I was studying Hawaii and Idaho.
I worked through it quickly. A, because it was very simple, and B, because I knew I had free time afterwards.
Here's my finished product.
Then Lu had me cut out the flags and state-names that I had worked, she says she's going to make something out of them. I wonder what, I'm sure she'll reveal it soon. Here's a closer look at the different flags, I found them very intriguing.
After that it was time for lunch. I packed up my bag and grabbed the lunch-box, I couldn't wait to see what Lissie had packed.
Oooh yum!
Here's a closer look.
(gasp in background)
"No I wasn't talking to you Anne, you don't have to--please don't hit me with that slate!" *Bang*
Oops...eheheh---I'll be right back! *Grabs ice pack* Alright back!
And a muffin, with choice of butter or jam!
And of course crisps. It was all very good.
Then it was time for some relaxing time on the computer... *Classical music plays*
Or maybe just some pinterest, *Turns on upbeat pop music and scrolls for hours*
Selfie time!
Well that was all for my first day, not nearly as busy as most of yours that I have seen, but I like the simple way. Lu has some more-- *Lu clamps hand over her mouth, whispering "No spoilers!"* "'am. Sorry
Anyway, see you later!
Bye! Or, Aloha!
Back to you Lu."
Thanks Ania, sorry about that. I didn't want her giving away any of our surprises. If all goes as planned I should have quite a few posts up this week, however--if I get stacked up on homework again tomorrow...well, we'll just have to see.
Anyway, a few announcements.
We have a new member to our family (not dolls.)
My Grandparents's cat had kittens about two months my sister went up this weekend and brought one home.
I would now like to introduce to all of you....
Sylvester! Actually it's a girl so we're calling her Sylvie! She has thousands of nicknames already and we haven't even had her for a day. Anne isn't too fond of her--yet. Like full on sulk, not fond. She wouldn't look at me for at least two hours once she realised that that "thing" was staying.

She finally gave in, and is slowly, I think, *crosses fingers* adjusting to the idea.
Sylvie is so tiny, but man does she leave claw marks. She does not, and I repeat does not like being picked up. I have evidence, *holds up hand.* Anywho, she has quite adopted my oldest sister. Which is really funny. I never thought Catie would warm up so much to a cat, but I guess she was always the cat girl before I got Annie. I wish I had a picture of them together to show you. Sylvie loves to sleep, and snuggle, she also loves this little stuff animal duck.
We named it Tweety Bird.

(via google)
Alas those pictures are on her phone, which is currently charging.
I believe that is all I have for tonight. Sorry if this post ended up being a bit long, there might be another post up tomorrow. But again, tomorrow is going to be busy so I won't make promises.
Comment down below what your least favourite subject of school is and...your favourite picture.
Do you have a cat(s)? If so, what's its name?
More soon!
~Lu (&Ania)

(via google, but isn't this pretty?)
Great post! Have fun with school! I'm almost done YIPEE! *jumps up and clicks heals*
ReplyDeleteNawwwwwww cute wittle kwitty! (I go wierd around cats so it's good I won't be coming to meet her soon.. maybe when she's older?)
How's Catie coping whilst y'all start? :-)
Thinking of y'all!