Tuesday 2 September 2014

LDHOTP award, by Elliee Blue.

Hullo Fellow Peeps!
Elliee Blue nominated me for this, in return...
I nominate Sophia M. for the ~LDHOTP~ awards 2014. You must:
-Nominate 1 or more other person/people for this award.
-Answer the following questions:
  Favorite Beforever doll?
  Favorite GOTY doll?
  Favorite doll blog?
  Favorite JLY doll?
  Favorite AG outfit?
-You must post this on your blog with the link to my blog to make sure the nominated bloggers know where to enter.
-You must tell the blogger you nominated that they have been nominated.
-Must be 18 or older or have parents permission (If you win you must PM me your address so I can send you the certificate for the ~LDHOTP~ awards) Also it's only for Canadians and Americans!!

My answers:
 Favorite Beforever doll? 
A: I guess Kit,
  Favorite GOTY doll?
A: Kanani, Kailey, or another
  Favorite doll blog?
A: talk about a hard question! just one? 
  Favorite JLY doll? 
A: I have several I like, #27, #37, #61...and so many more!
  Favorite AG outfit?
A; Erm...I'm not sure.

Remember, once you get nominated, you must do the following steps on your blog's post and comment down below that you have entered. The award winner will be announced in September. The date in not yet announced!! Nominate any doll collector you want. Copy and paste this to your blog whenever you get nominated. Link  This (http://mydollblog4ever.blogspot.com/) on your blog post!! Thank you everyone and have an amazing time with this Contest/award.

Okay! I hope I covered everything! be sure to pass it on! Talk to Ellie Blue about it if you have questions, and be sure to follow her!



  1. Oh! :blushes: I've been nominated, thank you Lu, thank you! :)

