Sunday 31 December 2017

Snow Day 2017! (12-08-17)

I interrupt the usual Kit collection posts to bring you pictures from a few weeks ago when an amazing thing happened--it snowed in Louisiana. I wanted to go ahead and post these today because we might be getting more snow this coming week. I will keep you updated if it does. =) Enjoy these very chilly pictures!
Snowflakes in my hair.
Winter Wonderlandddd
This was taken at 6:45 AM, we were expecting it to stop soon--but it didn't! It kept snowing until about 1:00.
The cats weren't sure what to think of it! XD
There's the tree-house Ania's photo-shoot was taken nearby.
Lils. =)
The lampost had a hat on! :P
~Dollie Adventures!~
This was my first real time adventuring with a doll out in poper snow. You remember back in 2014 when we had the ice storm, well that's not quite the same. Caroline, Marie, and Kit were the lucky girls to get to go outside this time.
She was knee deep! I wish I had put her in boots--but her socks would have gotten wet, so she was alright with what she had.
Snow in their hair!
Best Friends for Life.
I took some more pictures of Marie--I think, but I'm not sure where they are right now. Oh well.
Here's my Snow Aviator: Camellia Snowheart--heh, heh.
Have you gotten snow where you live this year?
What's your main goal for 2018?


  1. Lovely photos! I live in Vancouver BC. Last year we had MOUNDS of snow for 5 months! This year we've had a few inches which all melted but we did have a white Christmas. It's fun to take doll photos in snow. I didn't know it snowed in Louisiana!

    1. It rarely snows here! It's always a treat when it does. :) That sounds very cold but a lot of fun. It's a different world up there during the winter months, I imagine.

      Thank you for commenting!
