Sunday, 22 April 2018

Happy Earth Day, 2018! (April, Oregon Nature Picture Dump)

Hullo lovelies! This is just going to be some pictures of nature that I'm proud of recently, you can expect a longer post explaining my absence soon, in the meantime, enjoy these non-doll-related pictures!
Rhododendron, the park that I took the majority of these pictures at in Oregon had dozens of these, different variations or types and colours.
 Japanese Magnolia
 Random park steps we passed on a walk.

Faerie pool.
My apologies about some of these being unedited, some of them could use some cropping for sure, but this post was a little spontaneous and I didn't feel like over-thinking it to re-edit things. Like I said, I'll explain where I've been and why there hasn't been any posts in a few days if everything goes to plan.
Thanks for sticking with me!
Happy Earth Day!


  1. These are beautiful! Hope you feel better soon, and have fun.

  2. Gorgeous! Love these photos - unedited is great!
    Feel better soon!
